- KOGMWU::adults.3dHeat.logFoldChangeHeat stress response of adult coral
- KOGMWU::gene2kogKOG class annotations
- KOGMWU::larvae.longTermLong-term heat stress response of coral larvae
- KOGMWU::larvae.shortTermShort-term heat stress response of coral larvae
- MCMC.OTU::green.dataSymbiodinium sp. ITS2 OTUs from Orbicella franksi and O. faveolata
- MCMC.qpcr::amp.effamplification efficiencies and experimental Cq1 (optional column)
- MCMC.qpcr::beckham.dataCellular heat stress response data.
- MCMC.qpcr::beckham.effamplification efficiencies for beckham.data
- MCMC.qpcr::coral.stressRT-qPCR of stress response in coral Porites astreoides
- MCMC.qpcr::dilutionsData to determine amplification efficiency